... you're trying to decide between a McCurry Pan Shahi Paneer or a Chicken Maharaja Mac
...you approach a man at a farmer's market, ask him 101 questions about how he buys, sells, at what prices, and terms, and at the end he gives YOU a gift and tells you you have "given him great happiness" (!)
... they actually want you to honk - and boy do they

... you're thrilled to have a solid poo
... children crowd around you, wanting so badly to shake your hand, asking "from what country?" and "school pen?"
... you think - not another camel
... you realize there's a thriving business in sticks (and that child labor is happy labor)

... you order a waffle for breakfast and they bring you a bowl of potato chips (wafers)
... you realize, wow, a salwar kameez is really the perfect outfit (but the pants .... not so much)

... you appreciate how much you, really and truly, love toilet paper
... you glance out the window during a meeting to see a parade of elephants go by
... you can easily identify Ganesh, Krishna, and Shiva

... clean sheets totally is not a given
... the per capita consumption of wine is less than half a teaspoon (and no wonder, Indian wine I've discovered is undrinkable)

... there's a different airport check-in procedure every time, involving about 16x the number of people it should
... and just, well, the irony, everywhere, all the time

Hi Ana,
I am glad that you are doing well. I love reading about your adventures. Everything is really good here.
Take care! Big Hug!
enjoying your blog. safe and happy travels.
dann-a friend of your mom's with offspring of your age
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