Friday, November 30, 2007

Eating my way to the top

You may not know it, or believe it, but I am actually here working.

I know many of you picture me in a sari bent over a 2X4 on cinder blocks in a grass and mud hut, so I thought maybe I'd post something more mundane: real life in India.

Real life is a wide, wide range of existences. Soon I'll be traveling to meet with farmers -- who are most likely illiterate, plow their lands with a camel, and think I'm a monkey.

But jokes aside, I have to express what a wonderful experience I'm having working with Oxfam. They are the most organized client ever. They are also the kindest, having taken every measure to ensure that I'm comfortable. I have my own desk in an air conditioned office, a wireless internet card, and someone who brings me coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon - just how I like it.

Although, working here is not for anyone on a diet. My day goes something like this: breakfast, morning tea (with the entire office), lunch of 5-15 dishes, afternoon tea, late afternoon snack/sweets, then multi-course dinner consisting of mostly cheeses, spices and gravy, and a basket of cookies awaiting me in my room for late night cravings. Basically, the day revolves around food and it is very communal. For lunch, not only is food brought in, but everyone contributes their leftovers - and we all share, eat together, and then we do our own dishes. The thought that someone might eat at their desk ... horrible, horrible manners! And while I'm fond of the welcoming environment, I wonder if the homemade food is bringing out the best in me (Valerie*).

Despite the healthy growth of my "second baby," my entire office has been gossiping about how I don't eat. They are all terribly concerned (perhaps because of my somewhat limited portions of rice and roti) and have now taken to bringing me bananas and apples, also asking if I might like a sandwich?

So, please -- a message to my family: there is really no need to further fatten me up over Christmas! Instead, I will very gladly accept FRESH salad and vegetables NOT smothered in curried gravy and anything MEAT!! Steak is illegal here in all but 2 states. There ain't no license for that...

(*Most of you have been personally introduced to Val, often in the middle of the night. If not... well, Valerie is my digestionally challenged alter-ego. Val LOVES India.)

1 comment:

Biz in Latam said...

They think you're a monkey - i love it! i'd like to reassure you that if you just keep eating it, your bowels will adjust, but for some it's impossible. I just hope that for you the goods outweigh the bads ;).

keep enjoying your experience - it's truly one to treasure.